September update 2013



That is a picture of Montmorency Falls in Quebec City, Canada. As you can see, I am not currently in Helsinki. I am doing an artistic residency here in Quebec at La Center Méduse at Avatar Co-Op. Avatar is specialized for sound and electronic art and I am really happy to be here.

I have been here now two and half weeks. I have been mainly collecting field recording sounds, especially sounds of grashoppers for a installation idea that I have had a long time. The idea is to do a work about the subject of aging and the inevitalbe loss of hearing in the frequencies where the grasshoper sing. I took also my modular synthesizer with me, which I have been playing daily.

Not much to tell, otherwise. I’ll go to visit Montreal at some point, but otherwise this Fall will basically be me just quietly working here in my apartment/studio. I’ll post later some updates, when I’ll get some work finished.

Also, the works page is now updated to have all my exhibited work.
