liminal objects

liminal objects
solo exhibition/game installation, sculptor studio, helsinki, finland 2.2-25.2.2024
computer, game programming, game design, 3D modelling, 3D photogrammetry, computer, speakers, garbage collected from the wastelands of Kalasatama (concrete blocks, ropes, metal chain, plastic bottles, hubcap), soil, test tubes, dandelions preserved in epoxy resin, projection

Photos: Joonas Siren

Joonas Siren’s solo exhibition at Galleria Sculptor’s Studio space is a comprehensive installation which consists of a video game made by Siren, objects collected from the waste lands of Kalasatama, and dandelions preserved in epoxy resin.

In the video game, visitors can discover a 3D modeled object which is constantly changing its shape. Hundreds of different objects create their own kind of philosophy, referring to art history, commodities, other video games and artifacts in the world after climate catastrophe, among others. Perhaps the scooters lying around Helsinki in the summer will become historical treasures – something beautiful and perfect? It is in the nature of objects that their meanings and agency are in a constant process of liminality.

Joonas Siren (b. 1983) is a Helsinki-based multidisciplinary artist and experimental electronic musician. Siren graduated as Master of Fine Arts from the Finnish Academy of Fine Arts in 2013 and from the joint-study program Nordic Sound Art in 2012. Siren realizes media art installations with various digital working and programming methods, which often contain generative elements. Siren’s most recent exhibition was 16-channel sound installation Lost Time at the Forum Box gallery in 2023, in a joint exhibition with Juuso Noronkoski and Tuomo Rainio. Siren releases music under the name Forces, so far six albums on various international labels. Siren is frequently performing at experimental music events both in Finland and abroad.

Photo: Aukusti Heinonen


Interview (in Finnish):