sound installation part of an outside group exhibition ‘Freedom to Roam’ with:
Anna Pajari, Aura Latva-Somppi & Essi-Matilda Nieminen, Christine Valtonen, Eeva Lietonen, Ella Mustaniemi, Frans Nybacka, Gladys Camilo, Hanna Kanto, Heikki Lotvonen, Iina Esko, J. Koho, Liina Aalto-Setälä, Taru Happonen
Abandoned villas of Kruunuvuori, Helsinki 8.9.2019
Freedom to Roam
Sunday 8th September, from 4 to 8 pm.
But I think they are happiest when they are free to roam the woods where they like.
Come to the forest.
Chill around.
Experience art.
Roam around.
Experience bonfire (maybe).
Go home (maybe).
An one day long art exhibition in Kruunuvuori forest, by the abandoned villas (or where they used to be).
An invisible street marketer tries to engage passerbys with a discussion about climate change in the dark woods of Kruunuvuori. (“Excuse me, would you have a shor amount of time to discuss about climate change. Oka-ay, I understand, it does not matter”).