farmersmanual remix

I recently joined in the Discord of a Japanese label Tokinogake, which has released a stellar patch of interesting computer music. I was glad to notice that in their Discord there was an open call for a remix. The remix was for the computer music luminaries farmersmanual of their nullgerät record and I took part on the remixing duties as well as Forces .

Here’s my track, waveset manipulation with SuperCollider of the original track:

Was super fun to do it as I actually have a formative experience w FM. Back in 2005 I saw Mathias Gmachl of farmersmanual play here in Helsinki at Avanto festival. I guess I was listening to a lot of Warp stuff back then, so encountering more wild computer music really made an impact:) I love when computer music is this alchemical amalgam of sounds, and u have no idea how it’s produced. Still trying to do just achieve that:)